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TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni opera appartiene ad ogni singolo autore


The artworks are published in order of arrival

Opere pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Les collages sont publiés par ordre d'arrivée

Digital/Analog Art - Photo Captures - Photographic Works

Leman Bedia Güven, Turkey

"Lights for the City"

Analog Collage by Leman Bedia Güven 


Leman Bedia Güven (Turkey) was graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department Of Management Engineering. She got  a master’s degree in Art Management. Creating analogue collages and mainly working on social issues in collage. She also likes to make miniature collages. Some of her collages were issued in women magazines and selected in some collage art accounts in instagram and participated some online and gallery exhibitions.

Hoàng Vinh, Vietnam



Artist: Vinh Hoàng

Title: The Moon of Fall

Technique: Digital Art




Hoàng Vinh (Vietnam) paints with a gift which illuminates life.
Hoang Vinh's body of work reminds us to question how important a journey of self discovery and quest for harmony and beauty can be in all of our lives. It is a celebration of life and the beauty around us from the gift of the artist.

Lidia Chiarelli, Italy



Artist: Lidia Chiarelli

Title: Città di Luce

Technique: Digital Art




Lidia Chiarelli (Torino, Italy). Artist and writer, co-founder of the art-literary Movement Immagine & Poesia (2007).  Award-winning poet. Her poems are translated in more than 20 languages and published in literary magazines  and on websites of different countries. Literary Art Medal, NY 2020.

Cristina Codazza, Italy


Artist: Cristina Codazza

Title: Summer Backlight

Technique: Photo Capture




Cristina Codazza (Torino, Italy) was born in Turin, Italy where she lives and works. Photographer and author of poems, haiku and short stories, she is creator and curator of literary and artistic events for the disclosure of Italian and foreign Poetry. Jury member in national and international literary prizes, she is also curator of prefaces and critical analysis of texts and poetry anthologies.

Adel Gorgy, USA

Author: Adel Gorgy
Title: "Red Lights on Dark Waters", 2022
Dark Waters are Timeless and Infinite. But We Cast Light and We Choose the Color.

Gorgy, Adel (U.S.A.) Adel Gorgy is a contemporary fine art photographer who lives and works in New York.
His artwork has been widely published and exhibited in museums and galleries both in the United States and internationally.

Claudio Vindigni, Italy

Photographic works as parts of the Installation for LIGHTS FOR THE CITY

Claudio Vindigni. Si forma all’Accademia Albertina di Torino.
Ha presentato la propria ricerca estetica in mostre personali nel 1969 a Pozzallo, nel 1971 a Catania e nel 1973 a Torino.
Dal 1972 è stato insegnante nei Licei Artistici.
Nel 1995 a Ispica (RG) ha presentato significativi elaborati degli allievi da lui seguiti.
A Torino nello spazio espositivo di Martinarte ha presentato nel 2007 Nastro in cornice ovale, segno del suo vissuto come traccia modellata e nel 2008 La cornice ovale; la cornice ovale in Möbius nasce dalla ricerca di un oggetto che riassume in sé la triade forma-funzione-simbolo, oggetto in cui ognuno possa ritrovare qualcosa di sé, qualcosa di interlocutorio, qualcosa di “oltre”.
Vive e lavora a Torino.